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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Come on, spelunking requires way too much equipment!

Continuing on with the Exposes of special interest groups, this week we look at two. The first, being the ‘Save the Mountain’ crazies.

Yes, save the mountain indeed. It really needs saving. It is in danger of becoming only a ‘hill’ and losing its ‘mountain’ status in the world geography books.

Anytreehugger, if you check this “band of extremists’’ site, and click on their “mission”, you actually find they don’t have one. Odd. Because, if they were to really list what their mission is, it would say something like, “Our mission is to protect what the small group of us has already bought into by keeping anyone else from getting their own piece of the pie. We also strive to make life hell on earth for those already here before us, by any means possible, but mostly through lack of development and sustaining jobs, thereby forcing them all to just go away and never darken our corridor again.” But if they were to write that down, it would look bad, right?

So on their mission page, they instead do the tattle-tale method of listing who’s hell bent on destroying the mountain by means of tourism growth, and encourage you to write to them and tell them to fu@* off!

I don’t know, they have really opened my eyes to the dangers that the mountain is facing. I mean, if too many fat skiers are on that mountain at once, it would become a crater. Then we have to change all of our promotional materials from “come ski Belleayre” to “come spelunk Belleayre”. That is going to cost god knows how many dozens of dollars to do! Geez people, go on a diet already!

Next, is ‘Friends of Catskill Park’ a lunatic run “organization” with a membership of one. With the amount of crazy bitches running around this town, you would think there was going to be more of a membership.

They don’t even have a site.

‘Nuff said


  1. There is a sign on the road that says "SAVE THE MOUNTAIN" across the street is a sign "More Jobs Less Taxes"
    In Big Indian There is a sign that says "SAVE THE TILES' across the street the sign says "MORE TILES, LESS GROUT" I'm SOOOOO confused!!?!

  2. Hmm, and grass, I've been told, goes well with raspberry flavored Stoli and Sprite.

    I say, more everything! Grout, money ,taxes, tiles!



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