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Monday, September 28, 2009

A new show is coming to town, but it's a one trick pony!

Helena is so excited to hear that the dating game is coming to Shandaken! Okay, so it's not the actual dating game. It's a debate being hosted by the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Ahhh, alright, it's hosted by the League of Women Voters, but they are Extraordinary Women (not to be confused with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a trademark of Wildstorm/DC Comics, all rights reserved).

On Saturday, October 17th starting at 1:30pm, Town Hall will be the scene of a debate between Democratic contenders Peter "the 'stache" DiSclafluffy, Snoris "the boris" Barflett, and newcomer Barbara Redbarnstormer, and challengers Rob "pretty boy" Stanley, Jack "all work and no play" Jordan, and Pat "brainiac" Ellison.

Now, I'm not sure if it will be televised or not, but Helena is pressing her prettiest dress for this one folks. This promises to be a day to remember. Do you suppose the questions will mirror those from the Dating Game?
" If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be"?
Nah, maybe it would be more along the lines of something from Hollywood Squares?

In that case, I'll take Paul Lynde for center square please! No one can make me laugh like the late great Paul Lynde. That Bitch passed too soon. And here is a little ditty from the original show
Peter Marshall: "Paul, does a female frog croak?"
Paul Lynde: "If you hold her little head under water long enough she does."

I'm holding my shot of Reserva up to you, my heavenly homie Paul! You go boy!

And now a few October predictions from groovy 70's spicy God:

October proves to be a groovy month, my children. Though you've become accustomed to backwards ways, you will soon see changes in the way your town is run.

First, at the debate, someone will shart'll have to guess who, I don't want to ruin the surprise, you know how I am. I'm not vengeful, just playful.
Then, fourteen days after it opens, the Walkway over the Hudson will close as too many people will be using it to jump off of (some with bungee cords, some without).

Maurice Hinchey will be embroiled in a scandal involving Andrew Cuomo. They will be caught attempting to have Governor Patterson knocked off to pave the way for Andrew's bid for his rightful place at Satan's right side. I'll let Satan have Andrew.

Finally, frustrated by a lack of governmental cooperation (notice my co and operation are still together, because I believe in the sanctity of marriage), Chuck Perez decides to begin fixing Route 28 himself, and while cleaning out some of the pot holes, uncovers gold, making himself very rich! Unfortunately, the new budget increases push the property taxes up so high, Chuck is still forced to work seven days a week.

That's it my groovy babies, Keep on truckin' ! Love and Peace,
70's Spicy God.

There you have it my Behbeh's. God has spoken to you directly. Now it's time for sacramental wine.

Get out and support your candidates on the 17th! Don't be lazy...or drunk.


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