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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Brenda Lee said it best



verb tr.:
1. To ease the symptoms of a problem without fixing its cause.
2. To make an offense appear less severe by excuses or apologies; extenuate.

So, I think this means that I must now Give our Supervisor a new nickname. Henceforth, he shall be known as

Palliatin' Pete.

He is so very sorry for the following:

His screw up with the repeat Ferrandino Report

His attempts to repeatedly pass laws illegally

His lack of knowledge of his own town's laws

His complete lack of professionalism when conducting town meetings

His inability to keep records of calls and e-mails made to anyone for anything

I honestly believe he is sorry, but mostly sorry that he is not getting away with the lies so easily.
I have a strong feeling Mr. DiSclanfunny is about to crack. He is scrambling to get things accomplished in the few months left before election day. So very amusing to watch. Sit back, pop the popcorn, crack open a cold one, and watch it unfold.

By the by...I miss Fanci Colon. Where are you? I can't do this alone. You're the original.


  1. Helena,
    Be Careful// Mr De Scalfunny knows about your site. Someone in Town Hall told him about it and Fanci's site also.

  2. Marvelous, he too can appreciate the beauty that the truth beholds


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