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Friday, June 5, 2009

Why would a non-profit in NY have their taxes prepared in NC?

Something is fishy...

Well, as we all know by now, the Town of Shandaken is essentially being run by Kathy Nolan, sneakily shoving her hand up Peter DiSclafani's rear, and working her puppet master magic. It is rather amusing to hear a town resident ask Pete a question, only to have Kathy jump in with an answer from the crowd, and you think, "gee, how did he throw his voice like that? And make it deeper?"

All of Pete's screw ups and lies aside, something else is much more frightening. The true Supervisor, Nolan, is the acting Executive Director of Tibet Aid in Woodstock, NY. After an in depth investigation, a series of questions have arisen regarding the filing of the non-profit's required 990 filing.

In 2004 and 2007, the organization used FJS Associates in Raleigh, NC to file their 990. Why?
Also noted is that the tax preparer, Fay Sanders, does not include her ssn or ptin number. This is somewhat unusual, yet I have not even gotten to the most disturbing part.

In the signature section, Tibet Aid President Stephen Drago's signature changes dramatically from 2004 to 2006. One might even go so far as to say that two different people signed for Mr. Drago. Perhaps one was him,but who knows. The following are links to both 990 filings. Compare the signatures and you will see what I mean:

Now for the directors. Only three are listed. Mr .Drago, when googled, many show up, and one is in NC. Is it "the" Stephen Drago, Tibet Aid President? Who can say. None are listed locally, though there was a Stephen Drago in Southern NY.

Tibet Aid vice president Edmund Eng, is another mystery. Sure, do a search, and you'll find many Edmund Eng. But who is "the" Edmund Eng? None are listed in Upstate NY, so, you tell me.

Last but not least, Lynne Wiggins, Treasurer, was a bit easier to locate. She resides... yeah, you guessed it, NC. She travels the world, and is the owner of a posh spa (with a zen philosophy of course, keeping with the theme).

How fortunate for the director that she has no oversight. It would seem that all directors travel extensively, even though listed as contributing 10 hours a month to Tibet Aid, which is very possible I guess, as they may do it in some other capacity from a satellite office, say... in a spa. The address listed for each director is 34 Tinker Street, Woodstock, so maybe they are sitting there right now.

So the question is, who is watching over Kathy? Who does she answer to? SHe seems to concern herself with the things that others do, who is policing her?

Ida know, maybe I just have a very suspicious mind.



  1. Why would a person like Kathy Nolan, who has a degree in medicine,( and did practice medicine at one point in her life) a law degree, ( you should see this resume)and numerous other accomplishments want to be behind the scenes of a small town like Shandaken? Something must have gone VERY WRONG at one point in her life for her to only aspire to this pittens of an existence.

  2. Want to really have some fun? Google search "Kathy Nolan" and see what pops up! Nobody local. Zero. There is a Kathy Nolan with a lot of the same credentials as the local version claims she/he has. A picture of this person also is posted and is very much employed as a doctor. I think our local version escaped from an instituition and assumed another identity, why else would she shack up with a little old lady in Mt Tremper?


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