So, Bike Windowlickerdella is so concerned about getting a good deal for his community when it comes to the sewer issue.
Are you one of the four people still buying that? This bitch has no long term concerns for this community because he doesn't intend to live here long term. Thing 1 is just waiting for the highest bidder, and he will blow this Popsicle stand so fast the doors to Brio's will swing uncontrollably from the gust he makes on his way out!
His brother (and current acting town doofus) Dick "I like my orange shirt" Windowlickerdella, also known as"thing 2" has actively listed all three restaurants for many years now. http://www.ricciardellarealty.com/rrcomm01.htm And they might have sold already, if it wasn't for the asking price being somewhere between an "oz" and "Alpha Centauri" price range. Ahem, like yourself much, Bike?
Helena sees him (thing 1) strut around Main Street, a swagger normally reserved for the upper echelon and mafia bosses. Helena also sees Thing 2 sitting in his kitchen chair on the boardwalk. I'm gonna leave Thing 2 alone just now. I really don't like to make fun of the "slower" residents, but I am not above cutting one if they:
1. Mess with Helena's liquor supply
2. Mess with Helena
So, while you are considering some of the things that thing 1&2 tell you, and you reach the point where you ask if they even know what the hell they are saying, or are they that self important that they feel they absolutely must have complete control of all things that go on in town, look at the link, and decide if this is somebody who has a long term investment in this community, or is this somebody who wants out and is just blowing smoke up your ass!
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