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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Campaign Ad using random people

Helena discovered the original ad that was supposed to run last week, but was pulled at the last minute as it was discovered someone let TOWM write the ad himself. Here is a copy.

Hi! How are you? I am fine. I am Peter, and I approved this ad. Because I'm running to get re-elected at my job. I work in the Town Hall a bunch of days this year. I am seventeen + thirty four years old. Here is a vast list of my accomplishments (as per my friends list) in my two short years in office.

-For two years now, I've used words like "amorphous", and "esoteric". Pretty soon I'll use "tangible".

-I'm currently taking advantage of NASA technology to assist in getting a cell provider for Shandaken, using the interweb to inform Verizon and others that we've built it, they can now come! Please please sign on to the petition, and feel free to continue to use anonymous as this is still the most popular name so far!

-I stopped economic progress DEAD in it's tracks and I promise if that monster stirs again, I'll cut it down! No change is good change.

-I've managed to put most of my friends into town jobs, and if re-elected, I promise to have all of them employed by the town before March of 2010.

End of accomplishments.

Below is my friend Tony, we gone to school together and he promised to vote for me if he ever lived in Shandaken but he does not. He lives over the town line in Colorado, in a pretty house with birds and flowers and a dog named Sherman, who likes to chase cats and eats peanut butter cake. Tony's wife makes wigs for gerbils undergoing chemo treatments.
Oh, I just remembered another accomplishment! Wait, this is my grocery list. Never mind.

The end.

Yes, my chillen's. It scared me too.

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