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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Not since the cold war have we seen such a massive defection

Hello my Chirrens! I know it's been a few days since my last post, and nooooooo I was not kidnapped by evil trolls and set aflame as was previously published in the National Enquirer. I was actually out canvasing the town and picking up bits of information wherever it was offered. One thing Helena has learned over the years is "feed a man Patrone, and he will drink for days" wait, I'm getting my metawhores confused. What I meant was, buy a guy a drink from the top shelf, and he will tell you everything he hears in the bar.

Well, what did Helena learn from her excursions throughout town?

Something very interesting but not surprising. It would appear that TOWM supporters are leaving the flock in droves. Yup, you heard me. They're turning in their foil hats and quittin' that bitch, ASAP. Turns out people get turned off by dirty politics and lies. Don't believe me? Just read any playboy magazine since 19?? Every centerfold will tell you, their turn offs are liars and jerks (unless they are super rich) and politics doesn't curl their toes. A combination of nothing accomplished, lies upon lies, and incompetence, grouped in with a dash of crazy psycho advisers spreading a spectacularly unsuccessful smear campaign against, of all people, individuals not even running for any office, have left those that were once hopeful of Peter (and Obama, oooo, let's call them, Pobama) gravely disappointed.

He was gonna bring us together, remember? We were gonna go on picnics and group trips to Great Adventure! We were gonna plant flowers and sing crappy 60's folk music together. We we gonna work together to build a bridge (no, not the walkway) to harmony. Then Peter's stash ran out (January 3rd) and when the smoke cleared, the bitch turned rabid. The hit list was put in place and instead of accomplishing things and stuff, he and the clan set about bringing their perceived enemies down and destroying any hopes of all residents voices being heard. The segregation of the population was played out quickly. The "them and us" mentality was in full force, thanks to the round up of Peter's cronies. The only difference between Shandaken 2009 and Selma, Alabama, circa 1950's? Issue of race and the price of a burger. Republicans and Democrats who support Republicans are considered lower class citizens. Let's not pretend this isn't so, read the papers, my chirrens. You think the Dems aren't smarting from losing Pat Ellison in this election? You think they're gonna let Pat drink from their cup anytime soon? Pat's now got the stink of "red" on her, she will never be accepted back into "her kind" again. Sure, she is still a Democrat...but will they let her join in their reindeer games ever again? Helena says no. Their loss.

So the foil heads are following the path of the bunnies and heading for the Rob Side. The Rob, Jack, Pat, Tom, JoJo and John Side. The John side, you know the bunnies are going there! As soon as the centerfold money dries up! The ex-foilees having removed all hope from their hearts, and are now placing their new found hopes on the shoulders of a new representative. Hoping he does not disappoint them the way their last Messiah did (where's your God now, Moses) and praying for a town in peace, not one in pieces.

Anypoop, Helena plans on siting in front of her computer on election night, sipping gin and watching the results as they come in. Since it is a federal holiday, I'm calling in to work (let the bitches get their own fries for once).

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