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Monday, November 16, 2009

Tick tick tock, its purple o'clock!

So, elections are over, and with the favorable results, come the inevitable whining from the opposition.

Whaaaa, Rob won, that means we have to work to keep our jobs. We'll have to show up and everything! Whaaaaaaaa!

Helena has been sitting here drinking her zambuki and reading the latest headlines, laughing to herself (mostly from the liquor) and anticipating the changing of the guard. Already charges of harassment and tomfoolery have been thrown about. Mostly from a mentally unbalanced resident, mind you, but you know how these things snowball. One scatter brained resident accused a former candidate of giving out her (publically listed) number and called the State Police to argue that she received a harassing phone call. When Avon calls you, it's not harassment, they only want to make you pretty, silly....ugh.

As the clock winds down, and Pete-ard's reign of terror comes to a close (as Helena predicted...don't hate me because I'm beautiful and psychic, hate me because I refuse to share my cabo wabo) be prepared for some changes in how things get done at town hall.

Wait, okay, the irony was not lost on me in that last paragraph. I meant to say, things will actually get done in town hall. No more sleeping on the job.

Word has it, TOWM has stopped showing up for work altogether. The kid cuisines sit in the fridge, waiting to be heated and served. The phone books sit piled on the chair, waiting for an ass to sit upon them. Wendy and Patty toil away, answering calls and dragging Doris in (who is none too happy to be schlepping her ass in to sign checks everyday, sucks to be Deputy Supe, don't it?) to perform the duties of office that Mr. DiSclafluffy has so quickly abandoned. I hope he isn't breaking into the cooking sherry and all purpose "flour" again. He wanted to be your supervisor, but not that much apparently. Nah, Petey ain't seeing this bitch out to the end. He's just whimpering away...

New predictions from Helena.

Rob's first meeting as SUPERvisor will be constantly interrupted by Merry Vermin, Kathy Knownothing and Peter DiMoldy. They will hold the town board meeting up to arguing the necessity of saying the pledge, and accusing Rob of using said pledge as a means of controlling the residents. HOWEVER, unlike TOWM or Bob Cross before him, Rob will be able to keep meetings orderly and won't tkae much crap from the zealots, giving them their required time to speak and no more.

This won't stop the rabid pack from making every effort to bring misery to Rob and the town board members lives. The vicious attacks during campaign season used by Pete's supporters are nothing compared to what they will do now that Rob ousted their own "Lord of the flies" and for that he will be punished (gosh, I hope Piggy and Ralph left that conch shell on the island....wait, Piggy died didn't he?).

What remains to be seen is how people will react once this new administration takes its place. Will those who campaigned against Rob act like grown ups or will they resort to childish tactics to disrupt the work to be done for their own community? Even beautiful psychic Helena cannot predict this one.

Wait for it.


  1. wait till you get a load of Stanley- he never shows up for anything-go ahead ask any Rec committee member or shandaken day worker- poor June - Rob had this old woman do everything- then he took the credit for it- just like the rec program. super duper super!

  2. Awww, Merry is using her time to write comments when she is supposed to be working!

  3. The first comment is a lie, plain and simple. The entire town witnessed the efforts put into this annual event by ALL THOSE INVOLVED. Anonymous is also forgetting that there was a large committee of people, all with roles to play in the event I'm sure, otherwise, why have a committee? While we're sure June did a great deal to make it a success, to claim that she alone did everything, forgetting the dozen or so other bodies on the committee, is just bullshit. But then again, you are the compost queen, aren't you Mare.

    Worry about what you're supposed to be doing, not what others are doing.

    And June should not be referred to as an old woman. Have some respect, you ingrate. She is an "Elderly American"

    Oops, I shouldn't call you ingrate, you're "culturally challenged" and should be treated as such.


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