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Thursday, November 19, 2009

A word about the Phoenicia Rag

When will they stop blowing smoke up our asses?

To read the Editorial in this week's only paper (and coincidentally the only cat box liner, bird cage liner, and tabloid rag) one would think that during his short one term in office, Pete-ard actually accomplished something. I giggled so hard the whiskey just shot out my nose.

Calling Petey's term in office "enormously helpful" and "healing", one would place him on the level of Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa. My question is, who was he helpful to, and who did he heal? Was it a hands on healing and if so, was it with another consenting adult?

"A terrific legacy for a one term supervisor" they go on to say.

Ummm...what legacy? If you want to count all the stuff that Phoenicia didn't get during his administration, yeah, I'll give you that. Never before in the history of the town, did a supervisor accomplish absolutely nothing like he did! Good for you, Peter, great job. You took a challenge, and did nothing with it ("I've tried nuthin' and I'm all outta ideas!") while your cronies continued to fight wars they invented in their heads, complete with rabid blogs filled with lies and innuendo. I fill my blogs with gin and romance, because that' the kinda girl I am!

The editorial then went on to mention the "mostly Republican" planning board endorsing Bethia (NYMBOSYLIAN personified) Waterman to remain as chairman. Brian was also sure to mention how Bob Cross, ignoring the same request, kicked Beth's ass to the curb.

Hmmmm, funny but Brian failed to recall DiMoldica's "purging" of Billy Fitchner and just this year, Peter removed republican Gerry Setchko, stating "maybe we need someone with no experience for that position" yeah, someone who just happened to be a Dem. Someone who once on the Library board, saw to it that the popular and efficient Regina Johnson be removed from her position as librarian (she musta been tryin' to get into Randy's Belgian waffles) without so much as an explanation to the public. Yup, funny how the memory works huh?

My guess is the mention of Bethius Watermanus was to help sway Vin Bernstein to vote to keep her there, and have a say on the County level. Let me tell you my chirrens, you gotta be careful having NIMBOSLYIAN on any boards. before you know it, we will be a county devoid of everything.

I'm starting to suspect that the rag's publisher drinks more than Helena does! He seems to report and editorialize about things that only he and the voices in his head seem to know or care about. Much in the same way their editor and and writer report on meetings that only they seem to attend as they never seem to reflect what everyone else witnesses at the same meetings. Their take that Peter ran a bi-partisan office is the most ridiculous piece of compost they have thrown at us yet.


I knew they would find a way to spin a golden web out of Peter's short comings, but this is really stretching it.

Lets see if they are this generous with Rob.

Let's also see if pigs can fly.


  1. obviously they can- Jordan was elected

  2. let's see when Rob enforces the laws-- didn't make any complaints as councilman but NOW he will he as supervisor--I laughed so hard Bendictine shot out of my nose.

  3. Hey, I thought you said on your own site you don't hide, you use your own name, how come you're hiding now?

  4. Why does she even keep reading this site? Doesn't it kill her to torture herself to see the negative acts she perpetrates written down on these pages? Why torture yourself? Unless, of course, you enjoy misery...

  5. The second anonymous(ahem) comment doesn't even make sense. Looks like a drunk monkey wrote it.


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