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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is Shandaken a racially friendly town, or what? (hint..or what)

The mentally ill say the darnedest things.

As some of my bitches may have noticed lately, Helena has had to moderate the comments coming in because they were getting a little "tawdry" and though I like a good naughty take once in a while, these comments were just down right...well for lack of a better word, libelous.

Politics makes for bad feelings, this I understand, however, the comments that have been coming into the Handbasket pile, is something I thought I had better not fully subject my bitches to. I mean, really, you would have to down a bottle of courvoisier before you would be able to stomach some of the comments.

The focus of the anonymous commentators seem to be a non public figure they are sure is me (their guess, however, could not be further from the truth) and a Board member, of course. Some of the comments include such beauties as (names removed for fear of a lawsuit):

"Watsa [sic] matter *****, mommy doesn't want your sorry fat ass for christmas either? make sure that hairless (racial slur) hubby uses the sunscreen. you are not only ugly but a pathetic looser[sic]. "

Yeah, I get it, you hate her 'cause she is really really fat and her husband is a different race than you approve of (anything but white, I assume?). But I bet at least she can spell! SPELL/GRAMMAR CHECK ASSHOLE! Who's the pathetic loser now? See here for proper definition

"aw *****, *** must not have allowed you to give him a blow job this really outdid careful with **** ie boy, he is a carrier, but that will be okay with you, then at least you will belong to know, as in the family of carriers. Aw to belong, it warms the heart but not unlike drambuie."

Now that is just sad. First, to include Drambuie in a comment like that is disgraceful, what did Drambuie ever do to you? And second, to try to steal my style of humor, and not be able to pull it off? SACRILEGE! It takes years of training and kegs of beer to get this F***ing funny, Bitch! P.S. Yes, I really did "outdo" myself, thanks for noticing.

There were plenty of others, but these were the only tame ones I could share. The one that had Helena rolling on the floor was when they meant to end one of their clever (read: asinine) comments with my catch phrase of "wait for it", but instead typed "what for it!" I'm gonna go make sure the small bus is gassed and ready to go for them. This was also the one that detailed how a town board member was *allegedly(*my term for legal purposes, but not theirs) smoking pot in the parking lot across from the Pine Hill Arms, and showed up to town hall high and drunk. Others were just down right hateful towards two particular races that happen to play a part in the lives of many people in this town.

While I have not been a victim of these awful hurtful comments myself, I have to say that I do think its a shame that someone has found it necessary to be vicious without injecting humor into their comments. I also would never stoop so low as to make racial remarks regarding residents, their spouses, and town board family members. Racism is not a joke, no matter how many 'knock knocks' you put in it. To find humor in pointing out someone is of a different skin color than you simply for the sake of denigrating them, is not just a shame, but I believe it is considered a hate crime, and is a punishable offense. But authorities don't need to be notified, your friends (if you really have any left) and your neighbors know who you are. The racist. Don't worry, I know who you are, I recognize you by the sheet hanging out your car door when you drive down 28. Careful not to trip on it! It would be a shame to catch yourself on fire when lighting a cross on a lawn.

Speaking of punishable offenses, Day 13, and still no town web site. I'm starting to feel robbed. If only there was something that could be done...

Waaaaaaaaaait for it (or "what for it" as lesser Helena 2.0 would say)


  1. you rule,man!!!! a racewar and getting drunk and high for a meeting,just ya Helena

  2. No race wars, please. Tolerance for even those that live and breathe racism should be displayed. They don't know any better, do they? Abusive childhoods and lack of proper education make for these types of individuals.

    Let's all heal ourselves with some sacramental wine!!!!


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