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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You can't always get what you want....but sometimes

Things just have a way of working out. I'm not sure if it's the time of the year, the moon cycle, planetary alignment, a monkey who predicts earth quakes, or what have you, but sometimes things really just work out the way they are supposed to.

Last year when Shandaken Unplugged began its run following in the steps of the late great Original Fanci Colon/Barry Derrmann's The Shandaken Truth, no one could have predicted the impact both sites would have on the community and the events that eventually unfolded. Not that Helena is claiming these sites were responsible for the election results, not in the least. I think the candidates did that all themselves. However, one cannot deny the effect that was felt, both positive and negative, as was the intention, on the community. What was probably the biggest surprise to Helena herself, was that others were also paying attention to the posts on the blogs. By "others", Helena means people who live past the Hudson Valley Corridor. Yeah, I know, in school they taught you that the world ended at the thruway round-a-bout and that was where the earth dropped off flat!

But a whole world does exist outside the little bubble you call home (Shandaken) with people, and boats, people on boats, cars and dogs, dogs driving cars, etc. And in the mix, publishers of glossy magazines exist outside the bubble. Glossy magazines with political commentaries, fancy photos, wordy editorials, and expense accounts. Ironically, publishers outside of the bubble like to read blogs from inside the bubble. They like to read lots of blogs inside the bubble. And when they see a blog they really like (read: laugh their ass off while reading) they contact the blogger see where I'm going with this, don't you?

Yes, chirruns, Helena was recently offered a position writing a column for a publication that is outside the bubble with glossy pages, fancy photos, wordy editorials, and an expense account ! Do you think stoli cocktails at Tavern on the Green can be considered an expense write-off?

Of course, I know what you're thinking, I can always tell what the voices in my head are thinking, even before they say it.

"But Helena, are you sure this is the real deal, and not some dirty trick set up by the evil doers of the town?"

Yes, at first I was suspicious too. Anylunchwhore, you know how I love a good game and an offer for free drinks, so I said, "I'll bite."

But after several phone conversations, and finally a fantastic lunch at trendy (read: expensive) Nobu, it became apparent that I was in the company of an honest to goodness publisher. I highly recommend the kumomoto oysters and toro tartar- I likes my lunch still alive and kicking, Helena thought, "If this is a dirty trick being played on me, with a $375.00 lunch under my belt, I can't wait to see how they drop the bomb." Then came the almond cake with cherries...that was only eh, so bomb dropped!

Anyfoodpoisoning, long, wonderful, exciting story short...Helena will soon have a larger contingency of bitches to blog to! But fear not, my loyal beh-behs, you will not be abandoned. Not fully.

Soon enough I will no longer have the time to devote to this blog that I have in the past, but rest assured, I will continue with staggered (pun not lost on me, how 'bout you?) posts, I'll need to keep up with local shenanigans and try out new bitching methods, won't I?

The moral to this story? Wicked, with a large dose of funny is attractive and marketable. Mean without humor...not so much. That's a lesson some have to learn the hard way.

So, yes, things turn out the way they are meant too, and maybe it was the monkey who predicts earthquakes who made it all possible. Or maybe this time is was equal parts hard work and Helena's unique talent... with a dash of Smirnoff.

Okay...perhaps it was also a quarter cup of monkey prediction...but only for coloring.

Till next time, my beh-behs


  1. Noooooooooooooo! I just bought a feather boa! Who will I toast with now?!

    Best of luck to you, you are one cool chola bitch!

  2. Thank you, my bitch. Fret not, feather boas are appropriate for any occasion. Wear it with pride when you next grocery shop at may wind up on that "special" Walmart site! lol.


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