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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year, my bitches

Helena is sorry for not writing for a few days, but as you might imagine, the holidays keep me busy, what with all the parties, the food, the drinks. This year, I decided to give myself a present, and after our annual Aruba trip, I took a little vacation on my own. You know, a little me time (i.e. a place where I don't have to share my booze), to unwind from a busy year of blogging and bitching.

So, I headed for the Port Authority and took the last train to the land of misfit toys. It was marvelous! Of course I took some toys home, I still have a few people to give gifts to and
let's face it, nothing says you don't belong in this town, like a toy that even Santa wouldn't hand out.
I know someone special who will be getting a raggedy- ass "Raggedy Ann" knock off dolly. There is also a special little boy who will be getting the cowboy who rides an ostrich.

The train with the square wheels I'm saving for myself. It reminds me of how things have moved along in this town. Until now that is.

Helena has great hope and great expectations for the coming year. I think we will see some positive changes (except for the ritualistic rantings that will continue from the peanut gallery) and perhaps some progress will finally find its way to Shandaken. And maybe, just maybe we will no longer be looked upon as the "Hooterville" of upstate New York. Well, a few residents will have to leave town for that to happen, and that ain't gonna happen my chirrens.

So, to all my lovelies, I thank you for a wonderful ride, and to you all, I wish you the

Now, I have a column to write, so see you in the funny pages!

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