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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rainman part deux

Check out this link. A past Phoenicia Rag article about the cell tower, and how Kathy Knownothing warned Pete-ard about the dangers of letting the cell tower builder do so without providers already signed up. And yes,anonymous, that was a good question from my last blog- WHY did they (the builder of the world's largest coat rack) get their money back that was held in escrow? Someone needs to ask a bitch this question at the next town board meeting. OR they need to start asking their neighbors why in the hell they might consider voting for Pete again (just in case.

Oh, and as a new campaign slogan, the Republicans should try...
"A vote for Peter is a vote for Kathy Nolan and Peter Dimodica, and Mary Herrmann, and Rose Dorn!"


  1. All this was said in Jane & John Rossitz letter during the campaign with Jane Todd. A Vote for PETEY is a vote for Kathy Nolan, Mary Hermann, etc. No one wanted to believe it.

  2. HELENA,
    The Democraps caucus went ass follows:
    Petey - Stupidvisor
    Snoris and Barbara (I can't wait to be on the Planning Board but I've missed almost every meeting) Redfield - Town Board.
    (Randy is pissed!!)
    Miranda and Amy(I live at the Zen)Brown -Justice Court
    Eric H - Highway
    Pete DeModica and Carol(no making money from water in Woodland Valley)Seitz

    What a crew!!! Hopefully the Republicans will get out there (Pat and Jack!)and give them a run for it!!


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