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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Who does she think she's kidding?

Here is an amusing link to the updated 'What's Shakin' in Shitdaken' site.

Talk about hypocrisy!

Please read it with amusement and...
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Whhaaa, why do you have to be so mean? I don't like it when people are calling me on my shit! Now that I'm on the receiving end of it, I don't like it! I want to stop playing and take my ball and go home now, k?!

She wrote the book on mean, didn't she?

She doesn't think she hurt anybody, or maybe never meant to. Don't let her kid you, she is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. She claims she never called Jane Todd a "ho-bag". Actually no one ever called her one either.

But back to Jane...
Yeah, she called Jane everything but a ho-bag. Actually ho-bag would have been an improvement to some of the things she called her. Lets look at the list...

Real Estate swindler

Okay, I made the last one up, but you get my drift, right?

Now, enough of poor Jane. The Shakin' blogger went on to victimize others in the town as the years went on. She knows who they are and what she did. I've heard tell of her actions while toiling away the hours in Al's and Sporto's, and as far as I can tell, her actions have been dishonest and hurtful...and very much purposeful. She had an agenda and would see it through at any cost. She played a dirty game but didn't like it when she had to face what she had done to others in the form of "taking her own medicine" and now wants it to end. She must really be haunted by that reflection in the mirror, huh?

She claims she did indeed receive harassing phone calls, and guessed she could "push it" and have the caller arrested and he would give up the "john" who gave out her number, but for some reason (unexplained) she has not. In the same paragraph, she hoped that this guy was just a pervert and not a homicidal maniac who would harm her family or herself. Well, if the calls did indeed happen like she states, then wouldn't it seem proper (sensible even) to indeed "push it" if for nothing else, than for the safety and well being of her family and herself. Serious side note: Helena does not condone this type of behavior, this is a serious problem that many people (mostly women) face. Look here to protect yourself from this type of harassment.

She was so very distraught that someone would talk smack about her around her children, finding that shameful, yet she does the same thing to others repeatedly! I guess the rules are different for her. Hey, what do you think her kids think of her when they see her rant and rave in public?

I have to have five shots of Goldschlager, four jiggers of rum, three snippets of Jack Daniels, two sips of cabo, and a partridge in a pear tree before I act that way she does in public!

She also goes on to say that she puts her name to her blog, not a hider like everyone else (the wine merchant is looking for me, I HAVE to stay incognito), well, how very brave of you dear.

However, let me remind you that when people have disagreed with you and your fellow rabid rabble rousers, their jobs are threatened, their lives are disrupted, and in a couple of cases, their businesses have burned down.

So yes, while it would be great to actually put your name to your words, lets face it, she and her cohorts are scary, dangerous people who stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, to stop you. Many peeps are just plain terrified to speak out unless doing so anonymously.

Anypitbull, you'll have to forgive me, but I don't buy your contrite bullshit for one minute honey. You don't go from throwing papers into the face of a 70 something year old gentleman at a public meeting (a gentleman who, by the by, treated you with no disrespect whatsoever) to being a suddenly morally aware woman attempting to be a victim in all of this. You, dear, are the one who victimizes. You are the bully. And bullies don't just suddenly stop, so to quote Jack Nicholson, "go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all full here."

If she were truly wanting all this "shit" to end, she would apologise to those she wronged, and live her life in a much more positive manner instead of shitting out bad karma fart bubbles everywhere she goes. She would learn to be happy instead of perpetually miserable (and you all know how misery loves company).

But I don't see any of that happening, sillies. You have to be a big enough person to admit your faults. I myself am working on a three step program to help me see the errs of my ways:

Step 1. Blame others
Step 2. Drink until you forget what you did that was so bad
Step 3. When you wake up with a hangover, blame others for making you drink so much

Done. See, easy breezy cheezy!

Alright my chirruns, I have to go now and lure little children into my house made of gingerbread and candy canes. When I get them inside, I force feed them veggies, because, ya know, they aren't expecting that in a gingerbread house, right?! Then I send them home with a tofu pie and laugh my ass off. Really screws with their heads.

God, I love kids! I hope to buy myself one someday.


  1. you are so sad and bitter
    you need some friends
    you need love

  2. Not so much- pathetic, sad and lonely, yes.

  3. I think you're pretty damn funny, Helena.


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