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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hooray!!! Life lessons part 1

Well, it finally happened. Lesser Helena 2.o and the fake Fanci Colon have gone "underground" finally! They now reside in the seedy underbelly of blogdom where they belong. My peeps tell me that if one were to try to look at the site, you must become a member. So, the handful of people who had a morbid curiosity about what these half wits posted, will now have to get their kicks elsewhere. And for the five loyal followers (tools) who still read it, they have the privilege of knowing they are among an honored few. Okay, I choked on that "honored" part.

On another note, the blogger ranted on their other blog site (geez, I can't keep up) that they are FURIOUS about me having a facebook page, and about how some of my new friends are now questionable in her eyes because they have friended me. Just before that, she had spouted on about how it was everyone's right to speak out, and so on, and people should have the freedom to be involved (a privilege she fought to stifle for others), etc. Now apparently, people should not have the ability or freedom to be on my friend list. Well, perhaps they would friend you too if you requested. Maybe they just find me funnier than you.

But pleasssssssse explain why they should be considered bad people now that they have friended me? Just because you don't like me, doesn't mean others will share your opinion. See, that is freeeeeedom, sweety. Power to choose. I had to turn down some friend requests because I simply don't know many people in this town and question their intentions. And while we are on the subject, the blogger mentions that two of the people I have friended have been very nice to her.

Here is where she gets confused.

People are nice because it is the courteous thing to do. Maybe parents failed you in this part of life lessons, as you have a tendancy to be somewhat unkind to those around you, even when they are courteous to you. Let me help you here.

Sometimes, people are nice simply because it is the right thing to do. This does not mean, however, that they desire the gesture to be taken as anything more.

Next week's blog we will focus on good touch, bad touch, so be sure to tune in.

Again, all I read in this blog is "feel sorry for me", a constant habit of playing victim. This is a somewhat unforgiving and tiresome way to slink through life, especially when you continue to curse so many with your poison pen and acid tongue. I also don't remember anyone putting the blame squarely on her shoulders for that anti-Jane letter (just her knowing about it and promoting it, as she admits on her site), but she seems to want to put focus on herself in that (or any) situation, as long as it is as a victim.

An unapologetic way to be.

There was also a comment about my blog apparently stating she or her family should be harmed.


Helena does not now, nor has she ever,promoted violence. I promote truth and openness in our government. But here once again, the other blogger is trying to stifle my own freedom of exercising my right to disagree with her on political views, by making outrageous claims. I would state, however, someone should ban you from your computer as you're an ignoramus with far too much time on your hands and little knowledge of the things going on around you.

P.S. I would also promote Absolute Vodka if their marketing department would return my calls.

So, whether or not I do make more than four or five friends, or if I lose them all for fear the other blogger will begin to make trouble for them at their place of employment (as she has in the past) I will still have fun with it. Come to think of it, maybe those that have friended me, should consider removing themselves from my list, for their own professional safety. I would not want you to have to face the harassment that others continue to endure. I will continue to write, even if it is for my own pleasure and I'm the only one reading...because sometimes I'm a funny bitch (and sometimes, like today, I'm a bit preachy), and we all need a good laugh every once in a while.

And learn take your own advice, other blogger, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." You say the words, you write them down, but you don't seem to understand the meaning behind them, otherwise, your mouth would be shut, Miss "stone thrower" as you know better than anyone, the awful things you've done to people.

Till next time, chirruns.

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