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Monday, January 18, 2010

In honor of Martin Luther King...

I thought with the racial intolerance that has been spewed recently, it would be fitting on this day, of all days, as we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we focus on bettering ourselves with openly accepting our neighbors no matter what their views are. They have the right idea in the South, and I think it's about time we Shandakeninnies followed suit.

This also goes for those who are already tolerant of others, but are hounded by a friend, family member, or neighbor who voices hatred for those who don't share their skin color, or their opinions. Tolerance means learning to accept them as well, even though you don't share their flawed way of thinking. They may not know any better. Remember, not everyone was raised the same way, and while you may have grown up with the advantages of a good upbringing, others may not have been so lucky.

Use today to perform an act of kindness to someone who has been unkind to you.

This was Helena's preachy do good moment. I hope you enjoyed it, they pass so very quickly!

P.S. my do good act today: I will forgive whoever it was that drank the last of my Merlot. You greatly wronged me, and you know it, but I forgive you...when you put the replacement bottle back on the shelf.


  1. You can never be too preachy when it comes to this subject. I know who you are talking about and she is a definite trouble maker (as well as being a filthy pig). Years ago she made disgusting remarks regarding my son, and I wanted to slap her then. Glad I didn't though, I showed a tremendous amount of tolerance, don't you think?

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your past trouble with a resident(?) of the town. You did indeed show plenty of restraint, never mind tolerance. I would have needed the strength of Hercules, the wisdom of Solomon, and the help of Jose Cuervo to keep myself in check. Bless your heart!

  3. Remember chirruns, it's all about not threatening, not harassing, and not touching someone who is hard to tolerate. It's also all about speaking our minds and having a little fun while doing it. So a little tickle now and again might okay. Make sure you have permission first, though.


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