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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Still no website

Day sixteen, and still no website. I did enjoy the former web master's letter in the paper yesterday though, explaining her take on it all.

Again, she starts out with admitting voluntary service, and that the then supervisor (and restaurant/life partner) thanked her for her services.

She goes on to say how she poured all of her blood, sweat, and tears, and a little bit of cocoa, into that site, damn it! Started to sound pretty good, but then...

So, to paraphrase, "I simply asked for either monetary compensation OR a thank you from ROB STANLEY, but got neither."

First: YOU VOLUNTEERED your services, you said as much twice already. There are laws prohibiting this type of compensatory demand after the fact. It is called EXTORTION!

Second: You already received a thank you, from the Supervisor at the time of your service. You already got your thank you, now move on...with some dignity please. You did a lovely job, your hubby lost the race, now go back to the things you love to do. Have a wonderful life, even. Just stop acting like a child, stop hurting the community you profess to love.

Damn right the town board approved the lawyer's call to you, woman. You're breaking the law by not allowing the town access to the site. THEY OWN IT. Not you.

It's about time someone in this town did something right- for a change. Let's shake things up and start acting like normal human beings!

Join me next week when I give make-up tips for coat- wearing gorillas! Don't worry, the ones I work on are heavily sedated with a combination of Stolichnaya and Vicodin. They ain't pretty, but they are fun to be around after a few I've been told, anyway.

Note: I was not referring to the NEW webmaster when posting any story pertaining to the website, only the FORMER webmaster, Who I am happy to report did not have a recent loss in her family! My condolences to her and her family are rescinded. One anonymous commenter was kind enough to report that I am an ass, apparently. I disagree. I may be a lush, a flirt, a beauty to be envied...well maybe I am a bit of an ass. But a lovable one.


  1. How about you cutting the kid in the wheelchair a break? Sixteen days and you're all over him for not doing his job! Shame on you!

  2. This is why Helena supports book drives. Obviously the above "anonymous" writer has a bit of a reading comprehension problem. Chin up, little soldier, you hang in there, RIF(reading is fundamental)! YAY!

  3. WOW! the new webmaster's mom just died and you are all over this. he has the training and ability to create a new better web site but you want to roll back the clock to the old stuff. let it be, move on and let the guy do his job in his own time. talk about heartless!!!!

  4. Helena sends her sympathies to the former webmaster & her family for her loss, of course, this would not have been public knowledge to anyone other than their close friends and family (which the comment maker obviously is). Assuming the "he" Anonymous is mentioning is Rob Stanley, anyone running on all 6 cylinders would know that the blogs regarding the website are not targeting him or his capacity to govern. Of course I know "he" can make a new site, and as it looks now, "he" will have to do just that, complete with a new site address, but it is a shame since the old one is the known site address for the Town of Shandaken for a very long time. I guess we will now begin seeing a change in site address each time a new Supervisor takes office? How sad a commentary is that on this town? Again, learn to read with comprehension, or don't read at all, stick to pictures.

  5. Ohhh Please! Helena was informed this morning of the webmasters loss????????? Anyone who woke up knew of the death of one of our most beloved and dedicated citizens. her son has even commented on your chickenshit anonymous postings. now you come down on him for not doing his job fast enough! what a real loser you are. why don't you write about the new supervisor shacking up with someone who is in this country illegally? we love the USA and anyone who wants to come here LEGALLY!! Jr. is breaking federal Superman exempt from that???

  6. you are an ass, Miriam Umhey died DUH, Jamie the NEW webmaster's mother

  7. Well, now you've finally expressed yourself! Helena misunderstood and thought the former webmaster's mom died. If you had read my post properly, you would have known from the start I was speaking of the FORMER webmaster. Not Mr. James Umhey, who I know is most competent in putting together the new website. My gripe is with the FORMER webmaster withholding the access and info from the site. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

    P.S. You might try using different computers when commenting- the same IP address keeps showing up and I am getting concerned you're stalking me! Don't make me have to pack up the boat trailer and hide.

  8. How would you know if James Umhey posted on my site? All are labeled as anonymous. Hmmmm? To Mr. Umhey, you feel free to write me anytime using your name, I have no beef with you, and I'm sure you're going to create a kick-ass site. But I'm not going to back off of important issues because some nimrod has a tooth ache and wants to take it out on everyone.

    As for the claims that the Supervisor is shacking up with an illegal...says who? Yeah, I thought so.

    Something tells me if he was living with someone who was from, I don't know, say...Canada? You would not mind so much,eh?

  9. You seem to know a lot about computers. Why don't you offer to help Jamie in his time of need? I'm sure the Town Board would welcome your help. I don't think it's right to ask for comments then call the commenter a name when you get an opinion. Please call Mr. Spivey and get his help on channeling your hatred of others. Let the little icon (on the post your comment) guide you into being a better person.It's okay not to respond to every little thing. Let go. You can't control. It's sad to see you are hating the Canadians now.
    Peace out!

  10. Shandaken's own troll turned sudden Mother Theresa has spoken! Of course I'm gonna respond, you half-wit, it's what I do! enjoy your little vay-cay.


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