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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wow, stuff happens while I travel the thruway

Busy busy goings on in the Town of Shandaken (Here's a Shan-fact: Shandaken is Iroquois for "sore on the bottom of the foot")....Okay, I made that up...there's no such thing as a Shan-fact! Gotcha.
But Shandaken is a sore.

I won't say where though. You get it when you make nice-nice with Paris Hilton. That's all I'm gonna say.

First, the planning board seems to be having some difficulty with being able to pick their new member and the chairman of the board. No sillies, not that they can't make up their mind, but because some rogue (not the x-men kind) town board member seems to be unhappy with their choice of new member and is not letting them do what they are supposed to do.

Enter Hope Lumin. The majority of the Planning Board's choice for new board bitch. It would appear to all those in the know, that Ms. Lumin would be the perfect candidate, with a background in planning and all. However, she was missing that one key element that makes all candidates perfect in the eyes of the "NYMBOSLYAN"...a lobotomy. Also, she has never publicly declared her hatred for Dean Gitter, the Gailes, the Resort, or fuzzy little bunnies that wear vests and a monocle.

Should be interesting to see how this is handled Monday night.

Ohhh,. that's right, don't forget to watch my (used to be) favorite program, the Town board monthly meeting show. Well it might still be my favorite as I expect once again that Pete-ard will slink in to show off his mustache and smirk appropriately.

Speaking of Pete-ard, Helena was having drinks yesterday with a walrus who wore a bow tie and had a goatee (okay, I was drunk already, so it was probably my attorney who does happen to wear a bow tie and goatee) and he told me a secret.

...Oh, were you waiting for me to share the secret? Oh alright, let me put my drink down and type faster, Desperate Housewives will be on soon.

Well, my walrus source asked me to be careful with what I tell, but here goes a little info...

Nah..I'm gonna save that for my facebook page. Or you can e-mail me to find out. But I can promise it is juicy. Hey in fact, I think I found my new hot bitch riddle for this weekend!


Now, for your moment of "Uhhhhggg, not her again"

Main Entry: ha·rass
Pronunciation: \hə-ˈras; ˈher-əs, ˈha-rəs\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: French harasser, from Middle French, from harer to set a dog on, from Old French hare, interjection used to incite dogs, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German hier here — more at here
Date: 1617

1 a : exhaust, fatigue b (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids ed the enemy>

synonyms see worry

ha·rass·er noun

ha·rass·ment \-mənt\ noun

Seems like some of Helena's Facebook bitches have been getting harassed at their place of employment (sound familiar?) by someone who has no friends of her own and doesn't want the beautiful and popular Helena to have any either. Well, really, it is all my facebook bitches fault, right? I mean, did they think they had the freedom to choose who their friends could be? Did they think they live in a democracy? Puh-leez!

Some have decided to drop me, which is fine as I understand the cross they bear ( the cross is five foot" whatever", stocky, as most bullies are, gnarled yellowed teeth, etc.) Others have told her to go "F@%* herself", in the most polite way of course, as my bitches do, and it makes me proud.

Honestly, though I did expect it, I have to laugh at the pathetic attempts this broad goes to to bring company to her misery. I wish I had time to call the jobs of the people I don't like, but then again, the people I don't like usually don't have a job. They spend their whole day watching" Springer" in their bathrobe, and eating cheese from a spray can. Hmmm, spray can cheese

Tune in next week when I show you how to run a Museum from your living room sofa.

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