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Monday, January 11, 2010

Tick tock, tick tock

Eleven days into his new administration, and Supervisor Stanley and the residents of Shandaken still have no web site.

The former Supervisor's wife, and former web master, admitted in her letter posted on the town site (the letter has since been taken down...don't worry, I still have my copy) that she VOLUNTEERED her services.

A fact that seems to be escaping the mind of the former webmaster is that this site existed long before she sauntered into the interweb world, and just because she chose a few shades off of the color wheel and placed other people's words on it, does not mean she owns it. That would be like me saying "I've drunk seven hundred and forty three bottles of Jagermeister, so I now own the company" ('cause I have...and I should...but I don't).

I recollect an election happening, and I also recall that Mr. Stanley won, fair and square. Sour grapes is no way to bring about dignity to the former administrator. The truly odd thing about all this is that I honestly believe the former webmaster doesn't even realize how bad she is making herself look. And not only herself, but her husband as well. She could have allowed him the decency to leave office with some dignity. Now, that's been taken away, leaving him with a theft "legacy". Should Peter DiSclafani decide to run against Rob Stanley in two years, don't think this won't come up.

I know, I know, you say, "But Helena, two years is a long time, and people forget."

First, I say, "shut up, stupid voices in my head!"

Then, I say to you, "yes, people do forget, but then again, that is why there are people like me. "

To help remind you.

'Cause I have to,... and I should... and I will.

On to other news...

Looks like this bitterly cold weather, while a pain (literally and figuratively for some), has been a blessing for the local skiing centers. Belleayre has been packed with a creature known as "skiers" also known as "outdoors men, sports enthusiasts", etc. I've never seen one up close, but I here tell that they are quite healthy and have a ruddy complexion from the cold and sun ( I get it from Reserva and mint schnapps). They also spend money on food and stuff locally, so I say we pass legislation to protect this creature, whether or not they really exist (hey ,they did it for Bigfoot).
So, good for our local economy! I've been thinking of luring some of my golf course childhood friends up to slide down the mountain on their asses...for a price of course. Ain't nothin' I wouldn't do for my town!

Now, if only we could fix that damned pesky sewage problem, we'd be set.

2010 is already looking up!


  1. § 156.20 Computer tampering in the fourth degree.
    A person is guilty of computer tampering in the fourth degree when he or she uses, causes to be used, or accesses a computer, computer service, or computer network without authorization and he or she intentionally alters in any manner or destroys computer data or a computer program of another person.
    Computer tampering in the fourth degree is a class A misdemea

  2. Hmmmm, sounds like the former web master may be in a little bit of trouble.


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