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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do you really want this guy doing your assessments?

After what he pulled when he lost his bid for re-election for Supervisor, you would think that people would be smart enough to make sure he doesn't see the inside of Town Hall in any official capacity whatsoever again.

For those of you who have lapses in their memory to challenge the lapses that Helena gets after a night on the town with the witches of Eastwick, I'll remind you of the shenanigans that Mr. DiModica pulled when leaving office.

Mr. DiModica (or, Mr. Clean, if his actions tell you anything), after making the residents of the town pay for an Apple Computer, compatible to NOTHING else in town hall, cleaned out the hard drive, ya know, as you do, leaving the incoming Supervisor with no information at all. A new computer had to be purchased. Cost to the taxpayers? Ah, who cares... as long as we got rid of the bastard!

So, what was Mr. Clean trying to cover-up? Helena thinks he was hiding his other career, as an online sex phone operator. Others have said he was hiding a scheme cooked up by himself and (of course) Kathy Knownothing to take Dean Gitter's properties by eminent domain. Apparently Mr. Clean and Kathy are still under the impression that you can claim eminent domain on a person's property to build a lovely grassy knoll in the center of town. That is the plan for the Phoenicia Hotel sight. Only problem is, it ain't legal! But don't tell Tiny Tim that, he has been telling anyone who will listen that they are going to do just that!

Well, as it happens, after all of this became public knowledge, Mr. Clean became the most hated individual in Shandaken. Fast forward six years, and as often happens, a reviled politician will always sneak his way out of the rat hole,and make his presence known. Lucky for Mr. Clean, his newly made friend, and current Crayon King, Peter Diwhyaretheyalldisomethingnames, hand picked him to take a position being vacated by Rose Rotella. You know, instead of waiting the fifteen minutes until the elections happen, so Mr. Clean can get some time in snooping in the files, picking the two Peter's enemies files, and figuring ways to screw them. Of course, Peter D. handpicking Peter D. (confused yet?) does not guarantee him a win in November. After all, he still is THE MOST HATED MAN IN SHANDAKEN.

As far as Assessors go, Helena is going with the Lady who always dresses like Donna Reed, Joanne Kalb, and I'm also throwing my vote to the cute little silver teddy bear they call John Horn. Johnny Horn and JoJo will be my bitches in November! They get my vote because:

1. JoJo dresses like she is going to a fancy function all the time. She never dresses down. She works in finance, volunteers on the planning board, is a member of Rotary (I think they are either a boating click or plumbers of some kind) and she sounds like Fran Drescher.

2 Johnny Horn was the Mayor or ruler of some little town in Westchester or middle earth, and he knows a thing or two about town government...granted, he knows a thing or two about functioning town government, but he will adjust fine to our dysfunctional ways.

okay these two are not JoJo and Johnny, but you feel me?

These two have it all over Mr. Clean and...who the hell else is running? Eh, who cares. JoJo and Johnny are taking this one!!!

Who are you voting for?


  1. Helena,
    Don't be fooled! DiModica has been in Town Hall Since Peters election. Friends of mine that work there tell me he is always there behind closed doors with Petey & Cathy, and he comes in with a briefcase. And as we have seen, they have cooked up a few doozies!!

    The other person running for assessor is Carol
    Seitz of Woodland Valley fame!!A major thorn in the side of Mr Poncics water harvesting idea. A member of the Woodland Valley Association.

    Also, on a different note, some of my associates would like to get your blog out there to the whole town. Any ideas on how to do this???

  2. Hmmm, DiModica with a briefcase? He ALWAYS has that briefcase, I think he likes to pretend he is sombody. These people are a joke!

    Carol Seitz? Never heard of her, so I guess she'll get the Woodland Valley vote.

    As for getting the blog out there, keep telling people about it. YOu can also send links to the site to people. I know more and more people are paying attention to the meetings in Shandaken, and it is from word of mouth, so keep yappin' kiddo! Also, if you have any news that is worth sharing, or you'd like me to write about something, drop me a line at

    Keep up the fight! We need to get rid of these out-right evil and stupid (deadly combo)people!


  3. The Supervisor's raise should be EQUAL to the rest of the town employees. If they get 2%, then HE should get 2%, If he wants 10%, then they should get the same. So much for that question!

  4. The fact remains that ina time when many are losing their jobs and others are foregoing raises jsut to save their jobs, the Town employees should be no exemption to the rule. Just because they work for the town does not make them special. Only the Ambulance and perhaps police should be getting raises. The highwya dept. is union, so of course they HAVE to get a raise. Bullshit on it all.


  5. If you forego raises in contract positions those raises will hit the town retroactively when the employee's union or the employee's themselves sue.

  6. See comment above.


  7. Its
    OBVIOUS that the person who wants a 10% raise


  8. They should be HAPPY to have a job close to home.!!!


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