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Sunday, October 4, 2009

The lines are busy as the Monthly Meeting Show prepares for its season finale!

Yes Mommies and Poppies, this Monday will be the last show of the (election) season, but fear not, we will be able to see our favorite characters on the special edition known as the Debate when it hits the air waves October 17th.

Anyone recently trying to access the Town's official Website had difficulty as the powers that be tried to keep up without the proper bandwith, as citizens tried desperately to retrieve past budgets to see how much more (or less in some cases) of their money was going to be spent and on what. Some questionable items such as $2000.00 for undisclosed usage, and $25,000.00 for the same made there way in as new items. Was this a way to bring in more money for the Stupervisor and his councilmen without actually calling it a raise? Just sayin'! After all, he was kind enough to give Merry Vermin a raise, for what I'm not sure, as well as the welfare officer, again, for what? Did these women work any harder than the rest of town hall? Did these women put in the hours that Patty and Wendy did? Musta, 'cause these two are getting the same kind of raise as Peter's Secretaries.

So unfair that other elected officials who work full time had to go without a raise because the tard who puts in zilch time realized a raise for himself would cause a riot and figured ALL elected officials would suffer along with him. Too bad, so sad.

As for the talks of the Farm Stand Law being pushed, if anyone paid attention to the recent polls, they would know 83% are against it. Then again, if anyone paid attention, they would have also seen that Rob is favored to beat anyone in the upcoming elections, 83% to anyone's 17%, and anyone would have been smart enough to quit this bitch weeks ago.

Oh! Speaking now of campaign issues, I've uncovered the "friends of Peter" who paid for that travesty of an ad last week. They have asked that their identities be hidden as they are ashamed. But don't blame them, they are only doing what they are told. At some point, we all do things we are ashamed of. I once woke up after a night of partying to find myself at the National Democratic Caucus in New Hampshire (won't say what year and who was running) next to John Kerry...fully dressed clutching a bottle of Heinz ketchup and screaming! Cheer up Peter Friends, you live, you learn.

I have to go press my dress and say my prayers, 70's spicy God doesn't like to be kept waiting!He's hangin' in the mansion, waiting to hear from Helena.

This is 70's spicy God's mansion. Looks like a cross between the Versaille's Palace and something you find in Disney World (Euro-Disney, not one of our parks). He has llamas and elephants. He drinks Cristal out of glasses made from the tears of tree huggers. He has a huge John Candy dvd collection. He likes Halloween and often trick-or-treats dressed as the devil. He loves irony.

Tune in Tomorrow night!

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