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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vote row A?


  1. How did you find out who was doing the "hijacked" sites? Come on, I'm dying to know!!! Tell us!!!

  2. Pretty good likeness, I must say. However, you should have mentioned "This ad brought to you by the friends of the Nimbosylan"

  3. You know what, Peter and Co. pulled this same shit last year, bad mouthing the opposition and trying to hurt their families and little puppies in the process. Expect that last minute dirty tricks letter followed by an "I didn't know that was going out" letter from Peter in your mailbox on Nov. 2nd. These people don't know how to run on issues only smear campaigns. Scary thing is these tricks worked last time. I say if they work again, the normal people should all sell their homes to the State or City or Zen and leave these morons to be the only tax base left in town. Hurley is looking nice right now, at least with those taxes, you have services 24/7 not mental crazies pulling your chain 24/7


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