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Friday, October 16, 2009

Tune in Oct. 17th, 1:00pm. to the debate

The spin-off to Helena's favorite tv show is premiering tomorrow. Of course, it is a one time only show, but it will be exciting none the less. May I suggest a wine to go with your viewing?

This will prove to be a collectors item, I hope they sell copies of this one. There are already talks of an Emmy nod for several of the participants.

I'm pulling out my tiara and ball gown for this one. I'm chilling the Moet and praying no freak snow Storm keeps me from my favorite tv characters. Please, oh Please, 70's spicy God, let it rain crystal tears and not snow!

Tune in tomorrow and support your candidates! Whoever those bitches might be! You already know who my bitches are, my beh-behs!

Don't forget to throw your support to Charlie Frasier for Town Justice (pictured here). Charlie, along with incumbent Tom Crucet, will make a fine addition to Town Government.

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