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Monday, October 5, 2009

P-Scliddy is down with the bitches and the ho's!

Alright my homies! Oh yeahhhhhh, in only 45 minutes, Peter be pimpin' out the new budget for next year. He be bringin' in the numbers to dole out the benjamins. Oh yeahhhh, ya'll better watch it, y'know what I'm sayin'?
Okay, let me speak in English and forego the pimponese.

The season finale (my girly giggle is starting) of the monthly meeting show will be under way in 45 minutes, and Peter will show you the money. Or not. Morel likely he will show you his inadequacies and lack of comprehension, but either way, it should be a good show. I'll be taking notes and writing things down as I see 'em. We will see which bitches took a hit and which ones will be thanking their lucky stars that they still have a job and actually saw a raise. From all indications, this is going to be an interesting one.

Lift your glass to the mack daddy of all mack daddies!

I swear, you probably don't believe me, but I'll say it again.

I'm gonna miss that bitch! I might have to actually eat in his restaurant to get my sclafluff-fill!

Oh yeahhhh, word to your mother.

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