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Friday, June 5, 2009

Local politician, member of Local harvest group- attempts to kill a farm stand

Now, is this hypocritical or what? Check out the link below:

Shandaken Supervisor DiSclafani is working hard to close down the Hanover Farms fresh farm stand, the closest source for fresh and organic vegetables to Herr Supervisor, yet the putz is a member of local harvest, which encourages the very thing he is trying to rid the town of.

If Pete allows a proliferation of farm stands in Shandaken, where will he put all the biker bars? And if we have no biker bars, where will his best friend, employee, and psychic consultant,Mary Herrmann, hang out?

1 comment:

  1. What does one expect from an arrogant prick like this guy. Only what's good for Pete andhis friends, @#%* everyone else!


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