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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Slight of hand

I like magic. I like smoke & mirrors. I wanna know where the rabbit is coming from.

I'm a magician's worst nightmare.

When everyone is watching the magician's right hand, Helena is looking at his left one. Helena is keeping track of where the magician's assistant is sticking things too. Where did she put that silk scarf? Helena watches everything.

It was not long ago that slight of hand was played out here in Phoenicia. Phoenicia's own David Copperfield, Mike Ricciardella, made an entire sewer project disappear before our very eyes. With a skill not seen in these parts for many years, a veil of deceit was carefully placed over the prospective project. A few swirls of his magic wand, some magic incantation was said ("$10,000 to hook up to laterals") and POOF! Gone.

Why is Mike so dead set against a sewer? Why would he be willing to give away a system that would only improve his business and the quality of life for residents? Does he really care about his neighbors?

There is more to come on this one soon kiddies, I promise you.

The rabbit will be out of the hat.

1 comment:

  1. Mike the magician stuffed that rabbit upstairs in the taxpayer funded apartments over his restaurant. But, not to be outdone by "Gotti", he made those dissapear, too!!! Oh, Wayne helped.


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