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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So is that all it takes to get three hots and a cot?!

Have you all heard the latest? Seems a new transient has made her way to Shandaken. Apparently, she took up residence in the town's Gazebo, or as I refer to it, every drunk's man-cave.

Well after receiving a call of complaint, the Police arrived to tell this newbie to "move along" and offered assistance in the form of either a trip to a shelter or a bus ticket to points elsewhere (that's Saint Elsewhere to those who remember), but no, that wasn't good enough for this obviously posh, ne'er do well woman. No sir, she required a hotel room.

So fine ,get a room, right?

But wait! Homeless Hanna (my name for her, not sure what her majesty's real name is, but I bet it's something like Tiffany or Cassandra or maybe Queffa-lee if her parents were southern) didn't have the money for a room. She had given all of her money to Bernie Madoff and lost her Park Avenue Penthouse, so one could certainly not expect her to rough it in a shelter.

Now comes the really interesting part. A call was made to our Supervisor from the Town's welfare officer. Seems that our new homeless royalty would not leave town until proper accommodations were procured for her. Well, Supervisor DiSclafunny decided to put her up in the Appletree Inn. Yummy. She resides there right now. And guess on who's dime, Kiddies? Yup, urine and mine! How long is this going to go on for? And what if she tells a friend and they tell two friends, and so on and so on (my tribute to Farrah, God rest her soul, remember that shampoo commercial?) Are we going to be putting up all transients who come our way, 'cause if we are, we're in trouble as we have more crazies migrate here on any given day than New Paltz and Woodstock combined.

So, great thinking, Petey! Good going, way to tighten the belt, now you're gonna answer to Vinny for this one Pal! AND THE REST OF US CITIZENS WHO ARE SICK OF YOUR SHIT!

Spread the word folks, Homeless live and eat free in SHANDAKEN courtesy of Peter DiSclafani and the broken backs of the residents!

Keep giving me these Gifts Petey, I love to spread the news!!!!!

What? what was that sound?

...ah yes. The sound of another nail in the coffin. I loves me that sound

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