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Friday, June 26, 2009

An open Letter to DiSclafani

It was brought to my attention that Mr. DiSclafunny has joined the ranks of my fans, and is now a rabid reader of my posts. I'm so honored! So, to that matter, let me use this opportunity to address Petey directly:

Dear Peter,

Your term as Supervisor (or, as I like to refer to it, your "reign of terror") is coming to a close. While I'm sure you have enjoyed the perks of office (the sense of power, the inflated sense of self, etc.) I must believe you have learned at least a few things. Not really important things, but things none the less. I think you have probably learned them from this and the other site dedicated to your numerous foul-ups and snafu's, because you certainly have learned nothing from your experiences sitting in front of the masses, as you seem to not hear anyone or anything said at the monthly meetings. Let's go over how you've conducted yourself since you took office.

In the very beginning there was the "Jane Todd slander newsletter" that went out just days before election. You publicly denounced it, and even sent out your own newsletter saying so. Funny thing is, both newsletters were mailed from the same place. They had the same identifying location stamp posted to them. Oh, but weren't you the none too bright wolf in sheep's clothing, huh?

"I'm a nice guy" was the image you portrayed for the first fifteen minutes of your reign. After that, everything that came out of your mouth was a lie, and pity those that did not kowtow to you, because they were either harassed by your small faction of nuts, or they were threatened with law suits or attempts were made for their job loss. Anyone who speaks out publicly against you risks having their personal lives made public with added innuendo, courtesy of people like Mzzz. Herrmann, who enjoys the status as Shandaken's own David Blaine, making something out of nothing that just isn't there. Did you get that? Just checking. What's shakin' in Shandaken, indeed. And don't try to convince yourself that this is a party issue or republican attack. People from all political backgrounds are fed up with your incompetence.

You have not used your time wisely, nor have you improved the lives of the residents you swore to represent. Don't forget, you took this position to work for all of them, not to have them fear your next scatter-brained, idiotic move. Instead of listening to what the majority of residents want, you instead, listen to the small group that sit in front of you at each meeting, addressing their needs, and making their policies and agenda your utmost priority. But, have you noticed the dwindling numbers of supporters for you? Have you seen how the ranks have thinned out? I'm not sure you have, as you have been too busy focusing in on the small group that sits in front of you, smiling like Jim Jones followers, waiting for that dixie cup to be passed around (drink it, I beg you all, drink it).

You need to focus on them, because if you don't, you might actually see the reality. You might know that while you have that small group there for you, the majority of people do not like what you have done as Supervisor. They think your policies are horrible, your lies never-ending, and your over-all lack of professional conduct at meetings disturbing and an embarrassment to our community as those from the outside look in, and laugh at the joke that is your administration. Your ignorance will be the opposition's gain. I loved how you tried to convince Vin Bernstein that the people who complained about the Farm Stand law proposal were only a small number, and that those that actually approve of it stayed home. Where the hell were you the night that Town Hall was standing room only,supporters outweighing those for the law (Maureen Millar, I think)? I think you were trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince him of that. A gleam of reality must has slipped into your brain, but you were feverishly pushing it right out.

I will continue this site, and dedicate each posting to your lack of intelligence and compassion for the people of Shandaken. I will remind them at every opportunity that you have ignored their calls for open and honest government. I will remind them that you have served the needs of your friends and a small interest group, and not the majority of the residents. I will remind them that you have used your position to give friends jobs, in addition to the numerous questionable decisions made.

Unlike some other people, Peter, I DO NOT FEAR YOU OR YOUR HANDLERS. I have no reason to. I am watching you closely Peter. I am closer than you think. I know many things, and as the veil thins ever so quickly, so will others. I will be sure of that.

So take this open letter as you wish, and do with it what you will. My impression is you will not use this opportunity to learn from your mistakes, instead you will use it to try to gain favor with those few who may remain on the fence about your administration of the town (or as I like to refer to them, the uninformed and under educated in local politics). However you take it, know that what will be best for the people of this town, is to let someone else who knows law (local and otherwise) and wants what is best for all the people, take the reigns. They will do a good job, you won't.
"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's,"... and to the people of Shandaken, that which is theirs.


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