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Sunday, June 7, 2009

This Election year is not about the Parties, it's about the mustache

You want to know why Rob Stanley, Jack Jordan, and Pat Ellison will be joining the ranks of Town officials this coming January? Because Common sense will prevail this election season. Gone are the easy- to- fall - for scare tactics, the trust in your current elected officials, and last but not least, no JANE TODD to kick around anymore.

First, let's address the trick used in the last Supervisor's election race. Does everyone remember the fear of God that was struck into the hearts and minds of the average, hard working but uninformed resident. "You're gonna pay $10,000.00 or more to hook up to the sewer" was the script that Mike Ricciardella (current real deputy-Super, and brother to Mayor Rick) and his many cronies used when making calls to residents to help defeat the sewer referendum. Mostly the "little elderly lady" types were targeted, with threats that they would lose their homes, finances, etc. and perhaps their cats would be molested by city workers while the construction of a needed resource was in progress. Now, never mind that the money was there for the lateral work (just take a look at Boiceville, that area is not paying a penny for laterals, YES, THAT WAS OUR MONEY PEOPLE), if we had that sewer, Mike might lose diners to a newer, BETTER restaurant. So ,score one for the boogey man (Mike), you did your homework and used little old ladies fears against the good cause. Good for you Mike, but what did it cost you? Does anyone know about the boycott from NYS Employees of the Town restaurants. I get it from a VERY RELIABLE source that State workers will not eat in the Town of Phoenicia as they fear sewage contamination in the water supply. Whether or not that is true, that is the word up in the capitol, and if they don't want to eat here, guess what, they are telling their family and friends not to as well, and they'll tell two friends, and so on and so on...

Next, it has become apparent that the once rabid supporters of Peter D. and the two idiots that sit next to his right, are not making the appearances that they used to. The other Peter D, Kathy Nolan, an occasional visit from Mary (Ms. Herrmann, if you're nasty) and the occasional witch cackling of Judith (I'm out of Prozac so here I am) Wyman are all that you see at these meetings. Oh, by the way, I apologize to the Wiccan community for throwing Judith in your lap, I recognize your religion and should not use such a terrible stereotype like Judith Wyman. Anybitch, Other than the usual suspects, it looks like the charm of Pete's mustache is wearing thin. Seems, "I'm sorry", "So what" and "I personally don't like the flower program" are not explaining all of the bullshit that is going on. Your taxes increasing, town hall employee positions growing (as is the cost of benefits) and, just coincidentally of course, most are Pete's friends or relatives. Hey, how much does Rose Dorn get paid for running the web site? Is it gratis? Great, thanks Rose. And speaking of benefits, do you all enjoy paying for full coverage of former employees AND their families? Yeah, didn't think so.

Lastly, the issue of Jane Todd. Well, it is actually not an issue this race, but I bet they (Pete and Co.) try to make it one. "Rob worked with Jane on the blah blah issue, he is just like her" or "Jack is a board member of SHARP so he will be like Jane", or "Pat is a woman, JUST LIKE JANE IS" will be filling the rumor mills of town. Thing is, Hey, Jane was a great gal. She brought butt loads of money into town. Helped out countless people. The best thing we could have done for her, was support her. But no, idiots, I mean idiots from both sides of the fence, crucified her. Certain Republicans turned their backs on her (won't name names, but their names sound like "felon Purelli", "Mob Boss", and " Bike and Mick Fickledella") because Pete's mustache told them to. And as everyone Knows, you always listen to the Mustache. What they were thinking is beyond me, but at least this season, they don't have Janie Todd to kick around anymore. She is having the best revenge. She doesn't have to attend town board meetings. She doesn't have to listen to people yell and scream at her. Bless Jane Todd and if you see her, thank her for everything she did for this town.

So yeah, this trio (Rob, Jack and Pat) is gonna win big this November. But someone will have to wake Doris out of her coma and inform her the day after election. I pity the fool who will have to break the news to Pete's mustache...that thing has a left hook like you wouldn't believe!


  1. Aha, You Sir or Madam as the case may be, have made me laugh until I wet my pants. You, you, you are good you! And If you do not mind I am going to put excepts of this on my blog, if you don't mind.
    "(Ms. Herrmann, if you're nasty)" ahhhahahahahhah and the now classic
    "I apologize to the Wiccan community for throwing Judith in your lap"

    -Fanci Colon

  2. Thank you, Fanci, I'm flattered and yes, please DO share! You, you, youuuuuu, are the original, and this lady bows to you.



  4. Jane Todd told me the other day that every time she is out shopping or bringing Senior Citizen to the doctor she runs into people asking her if she is gonna run this year. She told me she politely answers "NO WAY IN HELL'
    would that ever happen again. You are right, she has the best revenge!! The nerve-- after not supporting her last time, now their all looking for help. A Day late and several dollars short!!!

  5. Of course, as the old adage says, "you don't know what you had until it's gone." This is the case with Jane. That woman busted her ASS for these ingrates, and as far as I'm concerned by don't deserve to have you represent them.


  6. I meant, have HER represent them, sorry, I've been overworked as of late.


  7. I do not have much to say, but if you are going to say things about people, step up and type your real name...



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